The warmth and charisma of wood fencing can increase the appeal of any property. Wood fencing can be painted, varnished, or stained to accommodate any decorating style and is very versatile. Changing the look of your wood fence is often as easy as buying a new gallon of paint in your latest favorite color. Many residential customers prefer the look of a wooden fence. Some prefer the traditional romantic look of a white picket fence surrounding their home. Some businesses use the appeal of a wooden fence to make a business appear more approachable and charming.

white wood fence - Wood Picket

Wood Picket

Wood BoardWood Board

Wood Gates

Wood Gates

Wood Fence – Picket Fencing

Wood picket fencing can be installed in a front yard or encompassing an entire property. You can choose the ever-popular white, or paint or stain your wooden fence whatever color you choose. Wood picket fencing is usually sufficient to contain small children and smaller dogs and is a popular choice at an affordable price.

Wood Board Fencing

Wood board fencing provides greater security and privacy than a wood picket fence. The higher boards are installed without gaps, effectively blocking the view into or out of your yard. Wood board fencing can also be stained or painted. The full-length fence also provides a more secure space, discouraging pets and nuisance animals from entering or exiting your yard. You can choose to fence in gardens, trash receptacles, or play areas with wood board fencing.

Wood Gates

Call Kavin Fence today for more information about wood fencing in the Los Angeles area, (310) 478-7860.